Many WoW bloggers are putting their reviews up for 2009. So, I thought I'd add my comments to Honorshammer's review points for 2009.
1. What did you do in the World of Warcraft in 2009 that you'd never done before?
This would probably be main tanking. My first two max-level toons ever were both DPS (mage, then hunter). Next was my shaman, and Kickingbird was primarily heals until recently. Bastien, being my current main was leveled to 70 immediately prior to the release of Lich King, and was my first level 80 character. I had leveled this toon with the intent of tanking, but found myself in a guild with a long history and way too many tanks, so I was relegated to the healer corps. This lasted until about May of 2009 after I had joined Fallout and stated my intent to tank. Working with the guild leadership, there were some convenient MIA's which allowed me to step into my desired role as a main tank for 25-man content. (Obviously I had been working on my tank set through badges, heroics, offspec bids, etc., so I wasn't completely inept).
I've never enjoyed the game more. One, I love the versatility of paladins, as well as what they stand for from the lore perspective. Two, there's something indescribably gratifying about being able to hold/control a boss or group of mobs, while the rest of your raid is raining destruction on said mobs and/or trying to keep you alive. Philosophically, I think Paladins are the perfect tanks. It's very much in line with the concept of "take me not them".
2. What was your favorite new place that you visited?
Ulduar. Icecrown Citadel looks to be very promising, but it's not complete, so we haven't seen the whole thing yet. And the first leg of ICC doesn't really excite me that much. Ulduar introduced hard-modes, had beautiful graphics, and interesting fights. I'd never been to Naxxramas in Vanilla-WoW, so it was cool to see the bosses there. But, I ran it so much it just became tedious. The rooms weren't that pretty either.
3. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
A proto-drake.....ANY proto-drake. LOL I only lack Yogg+1 for the Rusted Proto Drake. And I still have a few heroic achievements for that one. But, it's the one thing I really wanted and never got in 2009.
I'll have to finish this up later. Work. Bleh.
Checking In
6 days ago
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